Thursday, January 5, 2017

Remember Mr. DHS, my friendly neighborhood picker-upper?

Back in August when I was training for my 42k, I would often bump into someone who was such a blessing to me. Although we didn't interact, I'd see him picking up someone else's trash in the park, and that made such an impact on me.

I told myself (and you guys, for accountability) that  I'd tell him so the next time I saw him.

Well, the first time I saw him again, I lost my nerve and didn't push through with it. What a chicken! Bukbukkuk! So the next time, I thought I had to get over myself and fulfill a promise.

I finally did. He said that when he blesses someone, he asks that person to pass it on! So here I am, not knowing how but letting you guys know that the baton is with me. 

What are your suggestions? Should I pick up someone elses' trash too? Volunteer to help someone out? Make a raw veg meal for someone with cancer? Or something else? Let me know! I'll make a decision a month from today: February 6.

Click here for the survey

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