Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I sent you two big boats, you dummy!

I have three friends who now have cancer. I met someone who taught me a solution to it—and it applies even to those who have autoimmune diseases.

However, when I offer this option to others, I find that they don’t want to go the route of eating with discipline, avoiding high temperatures in preparing mostly plant based food, and sleeping early, exercising daily, drinking water, taking digestive enzymes, and other detoxification methods.  They would rather have prayers and God’s miraculous hand rescuing them from out of it. 

Does it remind you of the scene in The Pursuit of Happyness where the little boy told his father this joke? 

:( :(  :( 

I love you my friends. I wish you would jump in the boat, but I can’t make your legs do what you yourself don’t want to do.

To readers who aren't ill: Would you like to know if you would be susceptible to cancer? Or maybe some other disease?

There's a DNA test that allows you to find out. Easy peasy. Let me know if you want to try it.

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