Monday, February 13, 2017

Berry Date Smoothie


14 dates (depending on the type, they may need to be soaked in water first until they are softer, especially if using a regular blender. deseed).
1/2-1 cup berries (freeze them beforehand if you want a cold smoothie)
1 cup water, buko juice, or a combination of the two (add more if using a regular blender)
1 teaspoon Maca powder


Blend everything in your Vitamix!


Sunday, February 12, 2017

How to tell you have an analog soul #1

#1 You wake up to an analog alarm clock and you don't check your phone first thing in the morning. 

I used to wake up to my cell phone but when I switched to a smart phone less than two years ago (yeah, I'm such a late bloomer) I found trouble sleeping again, which bugged me, because I knew that switching to a super healthy diet cured my insomnia in 2010!

It wasn't until I read an article about radiation coming from cell phones interfering with our body's own cellular division during the body's REM sleep that something just clicked. 

I tried an experiment: I started sleeping without the phone in my bedroom. I also bought an analog alarm clock (the kind with metal bells!). I wish I could say it was the wind up kind, but that would have cost more. This one was just Php299.75. 

The switch made such a difference! I got to sleep earlier and I also woke up earlier. I am liking that I'm back to being insomnia-free.

I could also tell who among my friends and family used their cellphones as an alarm clock or checked their phones first thing in the morning because when I would reply late to their messages, they would assume that I woke up late. 

So what do I try to check first thing in the morning?  That's another blog post :)

Happy Valentine's Day!


Papaya Ampalaya Smoothie

Literally and figuratively cold February? Don't be bitter! Be the bist!

Papaya Ampalaya Smoothie
serves 2 (or 1 HCRV!)

The flesh of a ripe papaya
2 sliced rounds of ampalaya, seeds removed
Optional: leaves of spinach or kangkong

 Place everything in a high-speed blender and enjoy!
 If using a regular blender, add in a cup of water or even buko juice to ease the process along.

Make it for your friend running her first marathon!

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