Monday, July 3, 2017

Raw vegan potluck

So excited to share to you the food that was brought to our raw plantbased, gluten-free, soy-free potluck held in Legaspi Village, Makati. No guest felt left out, because all dishes catered to food sensitivities. 

There were three sweet dishes and one zoodle dish.

I brought this raw vegan pancit dish. For some reason, I couldn’t find my spiralizer, so I manually sliced the zucchini noodles aka zoodles :)

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It was super fitting Mel brought her chopsticks!

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Mel, who is a chef, and who was a super blessing to me when I attended a retreat a few years ago who helped address my food needs, surprised me that she knew about raw foodism.

Her dish was some nice kream with a dragon fruit base (hence the color).

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Shalini brought along a fruit salad. Along with is was some date paste, which I unfortunately didn't get a photo of. 

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Titan brought a chia pudding. 

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It was an afternoon of awesome conversation!

Thanks Titan for the photo!

Won’t you join us at the next potluck? The potluck’s theme will be breakfast and held sometime in August in White Plains, Quezon City.  I'll likely bring raw vegan pancakes.

Some ideas:

(Feel free to ask about how to make these. There are no stupid questions. If you're in the area, I could also demo it to you in case you've never heard of raw vegan cuisine before and want to give it a try. You might also know a loved one who is interested or could benefit from exposure to this cuisine!)

-raw vegan gluten free toast and avocado  (I have some toast recipes I could send you) 
-raw vegan sinangag or cauliflower fried rice 
-raw vegan tapa or adobo-ish mushrooms maybe
-raw vegan nut mylk and cereal (I have some recipes I could send you)
-raw vegan bacon (substitute coconut aminos for soy sauce)
-raw vegan sausage or tocino 


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Family member wants in on raw plantbased! Exciting!

When I was trying to research for ways to address an autoimmune disease I discovered in 2009, a friend shared to me a link on the Boutenko family. One of two siblings, Sergei Boutenko, had juvenile diabetes but healed from it completely due to a change in lifestyle brought about by his mother's research and commitment to finding the best way to heal.

I shared this link to my dad but he was pretty committed to his own regimen for his own type two diabetes. I 
don't think he remembers this, and I have given up on trying to convince family and friends to try this. 

Imagine my surprise and utter excitement when, after 7 years (on-and-off with lots of backsliding!) of going through the raw, plant-based lifestyle on my own, my dad finally wants to try it for three days straight! 


I'll be praying for the right program for him. I don't think giving him the exact protocol I follow would be good because I myself transitioned into raw slowly. I was vegetarian for many years before becoming a junk food vegan, then when I finally  decided to go raw, I started with only taking one raw meal a day, then two, then going a full day of raw.  Pray with me 🙏

I'm thankful though that he already eats pretty healthy 5 days a week! He also likes drinking lots of water first thing in the morning, and already does juicing. In his 70s, he still looks young and fit, so I'm excited for him to have even more energy! I don't mind at all that it took him seven years to come around.

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