Thursday, August 8, 2019

Coconut Oil Pulling

Coconut oil pulling is cleansing to your toxic system. 


Tooth brush
Tongue scraper
Mouth wash or colloidal silver 


  1. Brush your teeth/scrape your tongue.
  2. Floss.
  3. Put a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil in your mouth (more or less as is comfortable for you) and swish it around. After a few seconds, the VCO will become thinner as it gets mixed with your saliva. At a certain point, it will no longer be comfortable to be kept in your mouth. Spit this into tissue then your trash can (instead of the sink so that it doesn’t clog your drain) Repeat step 3 for 15-30 minutes. 
  4. Use your mouth wash or colloidal silver as a final rinse.

The best time to do this is in the morning but I sometimes do it a different time of the day. 

I like the brand Peter Paul because it doesn’t have a weird smell, but use whichever brand you like.


Monday, August 5, 2019

Feeling fatigued? These helped me. Let me know if things improve with you.

Sleeping early and sleeping 8 hours a day. (If I sleep 8 hours but don’t sleep early enough, it still affects me somehow. I could never be in the BPO industry!) 

No cell phones, tablets, laptops or TV in the bedroom.

Using an actual alarm clock to wake you up.

Exercising 30 min a day but preferably not in the evening.

Coconut oil pulling once a day.

Deep breathing in nature.

Juicing greens. (Avoid buying grocery store juice which may contain sugars or preservatives.)

Eating more greens.

Forgiving other people. Unforgiveness causes acidity in the body.

No alcohol.

No candies and no sugar. (Lots of Pinoy food has sugar, even in seemingly unsweetened food like adobo and tapsilog)

No caffeine. 

No energy drinks.

Fasting. It could be juice fasting/water fasting  the entire day. 

Taking a food intolerance/allergy test (then avoiding food that causes my system stress and tiredness) 

Eating less restaurant food. More home cooked food from scratch. As close to nature as possible. Or raw if possible. (Actually my health mentor would say, 100% raw is best)

Eating less food that has unpronounceable ingredients. 

Eating more ripe fruit.

Using coconut oil in recipes that call for olive oil.

Drinking lots of water during the day. Less toward evening. You need to figure out your ideal no. of ml for yourself. For me it’s  more than a liter a day.

Dry skin brushing.

Walking barefoot on grass for a few minutes. 

And last but definitely not least: go raw for a week.

Let me know which items need more explaining. 

Would be happy to expound. 


What was that?

The other day I found pink marks on my skin that looked like mosquito bites. I was so scared that I was coming down with something because I felt feverish. However, when I would check the thermometer, my temperature was normal. 

What helped me? One day of lots of green juice,  water, and sleep, sleep, sleep. 

No drugs. Thank you God for the plants you created that are super healing to the body! 

Green Juice to get rid of whatever that was



Juice everything!

It doesn’t taste like juice bar green juice but it worked. 

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