Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Coco Cacao Nice Cream

My godsister Berni is craving pinoy food. But she is in snowy Milton, MA and has no access to fresh Philippine mangoes and freshly squeezed calamansi juice, and buko juice!  :(

She told me to have some buko juice for her with some vanilla ice cream, and I told her, I'd have something non-dairy, like maybe coconut ice cream. 

Here's what I came up with:

3/4 to 1 cup gata, kept in the fridge for 2-3 days*

1 tsp or more raw cacao (I guess you can grind yours but I wanted to keep the texture so I didn't grind these up)

raw honey or agave nectar to taste

soaked sunflower seeds - optional

freshly grated cinammon - optional

*I like it because it gets a little more dense in the fridge when I keep it this long

The question is, what shall I call it? It's not exactly coconut ice cream. And if I call it gata with cacao and raw honey it just sounds....wala... awkward. And long.

Come up with a name and I will reward you with 4 fresh bukos (only if you live in Metro Manila) or USDA organic, kosher-certified, Philippine-made VCO :D (if you live elsewhere). A great way to infuse electrolytes into your system! Metro Manilans can choose if they want the bukos or the VCO. 

Use the kontactr form on the right. Subject line: Help me name this dessert! 
Include your full name and exact delivery address. If applicable, please inform your lobby guard to accept condo deliveries. 

I'll choose a winner by March 4th 2011. You don't have to be a raw foodist to join the contest. :D 

Contest is closed!


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