Thursday, December 9, 2021

Vitamin C-Boosting Smoothie



Has this ever happened to you?

You wake up, groggily reach for a glass of water, and because of carelessness, you accidentally knock it over and it breaks into shards?

Then shards hit your toes and immediately,  blood gushes from the wounds?

And ow, ow, ow --- the searing pain makes you want to scream?

I feel embarrassed to admit it, but yes, I was that clumsy and now I have a deep wound in my right toe as well as the middle toe (that one’s not quite as deep). Sniff sniff.

First Aid

My first impulse was to pinch the area to immediately stop the bleeding. (But sometimes first impulses are incorrect. The rules of first aid dictate that I should have checked first for shards of glass still embedded in the skin before washing the area.) If I could have walked to a safer spot, to avoid additional shards of glass, I would have, but it was just too risky. I didn’t want to slip and injure myself even more. 

So I just stayed put.  While calling for help,  I applied pressure between the two edges of the skin to stop the bleeding wound. I didn’t know the other toe was cut at that point — I just wanted to get the blood to clot ASAP. 

Thank God for nurses! Thank you, Janice! We also had a first aid kit, which included a topical antibiotic and some gauze and tape. 

Ahhhh…. Relief at last.

The body heals itself

Right then, I had this incredible urge to just stop and marvel at the One who created my body and its self-healing properties. And I also wondered why it is only during times like these that I praise Him for how wonderfully-designed human bodies are. 


Think about it.  

When our skin tears, it bleeds to draw debris that was lodged in the wound during the point of impact, to expel it, then after a while, it forms a clot to seal the cut and stop the bleeding.

Our bodies’ existing cells then build a cushion supporting the clot, and the body makes new cells to repair damaged tissue.

Something created, that when damaged, heals itself?

Have you ever made a project which when accidentally damaged, can repair itself? 

In contrast, your body works together cohesively to utilize absorbed vitamins and minerals and your cells work to heal the damage. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Praise our creator!

Vitamin C Boost

Give your body awesome fuel to get such repairing work going. Use Vitamin-C-rich food. Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C boosts cell repair. 

Not just in citrus fruit!

Daily intake of fresh raw ripe fruit is a wonderful source of naturally-occurring vitamin C. We are taught in school that vitamin C sources are primarily citrus fruit, such as calamansi. But did you know that non-citrus fruit can provide it as well? Papayas and pineapples are a few awesome examples. And guess what? They are available year-round in the Philippines! (For readers overseas, kiwis, strawberries, and oranges are excellent sources as well)

Here's a smoothie recipe for your vitamin C needs.

Have you tried the recipe? What other recipes are you looking for? Are you thinking of eating more fruit and veggies in 2022? Let's chat!


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