Can a skinny person go on a juice-only fast?
Most literature out there seems to say 'yes', although I ran across a few that say 'no', especially if one has anemia or eating disorders.
For the studies that say 'yes', it is counterintuitive and surprising to read that a thin person can actually gain weight after a fast!
I have several contacts in Raw Food in the Philippines (most were overweight and one who was skinny) who have gone through juice-only fasts and came out healthier in the end. Very interesting eh? :)
I am going to a do a juice-only fast for a week beginning tomorrow. I am 5'1 1/2, 104 lbs. Skinny :) I'll let you know how it goes :)
For exercise, I will stop going to the gym and badminton courts and just take walks and do simple stretches for my back.
I know at least three other people doing the same thing and we will check in with each other daily.
You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another. (Prov 27:17, The Message)
Here are a few before pics:

No running...
No badminton, no gym... (sniff, sniff)
No late night socializing...
Most literature out there seems to say 'yes', although I ran across a few that say 'no', especially if one has anemia or eating disorders.
For the studies that say 'yes', it is counterintuitive and surprising to read that a thin person can actually gain weight after a fast!
I have several contacts in Raw Food in the Philippines (most were overweight and one who was skinny) who have gone through juice-only fasts and came out healthier in the end. Very interesting eh? :)
I am going to a do a juice-only fast for a week beginning tomorrow. I am 5'1 1/2, 104 lbs. Skinny :) I'll let you know how it goes :)
For exercise, I will stop going to the gym and badminton courts and just take walks and do simple stretches for my back.
I know at least three other people doing the same thing and we will check in with each other daily.
You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another. (Prov 27:17, The Message)
Here are a few before pics:
No running...
No badminton, no gym... (sniff, sniff)
No late night socializing...
Just energy conservation, devoted to things that are Most Important.
An update soon!

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